Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer in New York?
SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONSULTATIONRunning afoul of the law is easy. Getting caught and arrested is also easy. But what do you do after getting arrested?
Around 14,000 arrests per year are made in Westchester County alone. Each arrestee likely felt the same way you are feeling right now — scared and worried about being fairly represented. But don’t worry, we can help.
Criminal Defense Attorney in White Plains, New York
For nearly three decades we have helped thousands of people get justice and we know that getting arrested is no fun. We know that you need swift, smart legal assistance. We know that you will have questions. And we know you are likely anxious about the outcome.
Know first that you will receive bold, vigorous representation from us. We will answer all your questions and provide any clarification you need. We will explain your specific charges, what each means in terms of penalties and options for fighting them.
Because we are thorough, we will interview you at length. This will help us find the best strategy for winning your case.
Of course, our first goal will be to get you released. That way we can meet at your convenience to work on your case.
How Can We Help?
What happens after getting arrested for a crime?
An arrest is simply the taking of an accused person into custody. But what happens after getting arrested?
Most arrests occur away from a police station, so the first thing that happens is you are transported to a jail. It is there you will be booked. Around the time you were being cuffed, you should have been read your Miranda Rights.
Miranda Rights are a warning to keep silent and request your attorney. You may tell the arresting officers: “Call Mike Tawil. He’s my lawyer.”
The ONLY information you are required to give is your name and address. That is it. Do not attempt to explain your actions, clarify something or offer up anything else. Keep silent until we get there.
When you are booked, jailers will take your “mug shot,” photograph any tattoos or scars on your body and get fingerprints. You will be taken to a holding cell to await arraignment, which is where you will enter your plea. The judge will then determine bail, and once posted you can leave.
What am I facing? Will I go to prison?
Nearly everyone violates the law. Many receive tickets for minor violations not considered criminal.
There are two types of criminal cases or charges: Misdemeanors and felonies. What you can expect in the way of fines and time incarcerated for a guilty verdict depends largely on which type of criminal charge you receive.
FELONIES in New York
A felony is the most serious offense. Felony offenses are divided into Classes from A through E. Each class carries different penalties, with Class A felonies representing the most serious charges. Most felonies in New York carry indeterminate sentences that permit a range of penalties.
- Class A violent felony: Conviction means imprisonment for life or 20-25 years.
- Class B violent felony: Conviction means 5-25 years in prison.
- Class B non-violent felony: Conviction means incarceration for 1-3 years minimum up to a maximum of 25 years.
- Class C violent felony: Conviction means incarceration for 3 1/2 to 15 years.
- Class C non-violent felony: Conviction means no jail, probation or 1-2 years to 15 years in prison.
- Class D violent felony: Conviction means incarceration for 2-7 years.
- Class D non-violent felony: Conviction means no jail, probation or incarceration for 1-3 to 7 years.
- Class E violent felony: Conviction means no jail, probation or 1 1/2 to 4 years in prison.
- Class E non-violent felony: Conviction means no jail, probation or 1 1/3 to 4 years incarcerated.
Misdemeanor offenses are the least serious and never result in prison time, but they might result in jail time. Of course, jail can be just as rough as prison, so even with a misdemeanor charge you would do well to let us help you.
Misdemeanors in the State of New York are divided into three groups:
- Class A, which carries a penalty of up to one year in jail.
- Class B, which carries a penalty of up to three months in jail.
- Unclassified, which typically results in three years on probation.
DWI, DWAI in New York
The State of New York takes a strong interest in driving a vehicle under the influence of any substance (DWI stands for driving while intoxicated, and DWAI stands for driving while ability impaired). In fact, there are over 20 specific codified offenses which fall under the umbrella of substance impaired driving.
The penalties for a conviction range from mere violation level to misdemeanor to felony. Thus, on the low end of the scale there may be a fine of $125 and suspension of driving privileges for up to six months. On the high end, someone could face up to seven years in prison, $10,000 fine and license revoked for 18 months.
Clearly, if you are charged with any DWI or DWAI offense, you need to get in touch with us today. Call now 914-281-1618.
Why Hire Michael Tawil as Your Defense Attorney in New York?
You did not want to go to jail. Nor do you want to stay in jail. And you sure don’t want to return to jail or worse. The solution is simple. Call The Law Office of Michael Tawil.
We will fight to make sure the state does not trample on your liberty any longer than it must. Once we get the call that you have been arrested, we will spring into action. We will represent you at arraignment, thoroughly research and investigate your case, and provide you with the most powerful legal representation in NY.
You want Smart. You want Aggressive. You want Michael Tawil.
Call us at 914-281-1618.